Wholehearted Passion

TEFCOLD has been supplying reliable products and profitable solutions able to fulfil the requirements of any customer for commercial cooling and freezing of foods and beverages for over 35 years.
We are one of the market leaders within the cooling and freezing industry, creating value for our customers through insight, empathy and experience.
Over 70,000 units in stock, combined with streamlined logistics means we can deliver quickly and precisely, regardless of quantity required.
Add to that competent consultancy and personal service based on our wholehearted passion for refrigeration, freezing and our customers.
TEFCOLD was founded in Viborg in 1987 by Torben and Frede Christensen.
"It is our mission to work hard every day to provide our customers an excellent service and make their life easy,
to provide them new products and opportunities that will help them sell more and make more money.
Further, to make our customers more successful and enable us to grow we are determined to have the best people,
the leanest processes, the lowest cost and the most efficient sales and marketing processes."

TEFCOLD Group consist of TEFCOLD A/S, TEFCOLD UK Limited, TEFCOLD CZ s.r.o. and TEFCOLD SK s.r.o, TEFCOLD BE, TEFCOLD FR, Horeca Global Solutions, and Eureka.
Head office is in Viborg, Denmark where we have 17,000 square metre warehouse, testing laboratory, branding facilities, spare part centre, and one of our group showrooms.
The ambition of the Group is to grow organically and through acquisitions. Acquisitions will increase our supplier base and improve logistical set-up in Europe and hence allow us to serve our customers even better going forward. We wish to help our customers sell more and make their life easier with new products and opportunies.
TEFCOLD UK Limited covers UK and Nortern Ireland. TEFCOLD CZ s.r.o. and TEFCOLD SK s.r.o. covers the Czech Republic and Slovakia. TEFCOLD BE covers Belgium and the Netherlands in cooperation with TEFCOLD A/S. TEFCOLD FR covers France in cooperation with TEFCOLD A/S. Horeca Global Solutions covers Spain and Portugal in cooperation with TEFCOLD A/S. Eureka covers Germany. In addition, TEFCOLD A/S covers the rest of Europe and outside Europe.
Group Facts
180+ employees in 11 countries
Warehouses in Denmark, the UK, Belgium, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic:
55,000 m2 with > 70,000 units in stock
6,000+ customers in 100 countries
170,000 units sold yearly
Test, branding, showroom and spare part facilities in Denmark, the Czech Republic,
Belgium, and the UK